Friday, August 17, 2012

And I Shall Not Grruuumph

Anyone else having trouble with Blogger today?  My problem is with losing a large chunk of the sidebar.   Links to various blogs and sites:   gone.  Pictures and followers and gadgets and buttons and who-knows-what-else:  gone.

Temporarily?  One hopes. 

I post this just to let you know that I haven't removed everything deliberately, of my own accord.

Interesting that as I was fretting thinking about this, I came across the following from my friend St. Francis de Sales:  "Bear patiently the slight injuries, the little inconveniences, the inconsequential losses that daily come to you."

"The little inconveniences" of a missing sidebar.

The "inconsequential losses" of a few links 

I am determined (with God's help) not to GRruuuumfffph....


  1. Yes, I am having the same trouble. I hope it's temporary too.

    1. Thank you for letting me know this, Kathleen. I am getting yours fine right now, and mine. My sidebar came and went a few times yesterday, then by evening was just gone. It stopped content at (and including) the Google Followers gadget.

      I would say we're at the mercy of the Internet... but we know we're REALLY dependent upon the Mercy of our Lord!
