Monday, January 14, 2013

A Reader's Prayer

'May you be praised, Lord God, for the printed word, bread for our minds, light for our lives.

'We give thanks for the talent and dedication of all who serve the truth in love and for all whose administration and technical skills make possible the production of books, newspapers, magazines, and reviews....
'We celebrate the wonder of digital communications, manifesting a new iconography that can link people around the globe in solidarity of faith, hope, love.
'May the blind see, the deaf hear, the poor have the Good News proclaimed to them by all who rejoice in their God-given talents and their gift of creativity.  Amen.'   
                                            (Venerable James Alberione) 

Painting: Matthias Stom, Young Man Reading by Candlelight


  1. Hi Nancy,
    Let's see if it works this time. (Blogger doesn't seem to want me to comment today!)

    Amen. Imagine a world without books? I can't!

    I love the turn of the phrase "bread for our minds, light for our lives"! And I apologize if you get three similar comments from me :)

    1. Mary, I know I would love all three comments! This is the only one I received, and I thank you so much for commenting (commenting commenting?).. it means a LOT to me that you stuck with it :)! And oh, a world without books.... I wouldn't like to think of it.
