Friday, March 29, 2013

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Beneath Your Cross, I Adore You

'O Christ Jesus, prostrate beneath Your cross, I adore You.  Power of God, You show Yourself overwhelmed with weakness so as to teach us humility and confound our pride.  O High Priest, full of holiness, Who passed through our trials in order to be like unto us and to have compassion on our infirmities, do not leave me to myself, for I am but frailty.  May Your power dwell in me, so that I may not fall into evil.'           C.  Marmion

Obediently Accepting

"He was known to be of human estate, 
and it was thus that He humbled Himself,
obediently accepting even death, death on a cross."  

Philippians 2:8

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

It is Time

'O Christians, it is time to defend your King
and to accompany Him in such great solitude.'

St. Teresa of Avila

Painting:  James Tissot, My Soul is Sorrowful Unto Death

Sunday, March 24, 2013


'O Lord,
be gracious to me;
heal me, 
for I have
against You.'

Psalm 41:4

Edelfelt, At the Door, 1901

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Silent Shout

'God does not hear us as man hears. 
Unless you shout with your 
lungs and chest and lips,
a mere man does not hear.  
Whereas to God, 
your very thoughts shout.' 

St. Augustine

Painting: Albert Ritzberger, Junge Frau am Sofa, 1898 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Rich Enough

'Give me, O Jesus, a most ardent love of neighbor.  If I have You and it, I am rich enough.'
Blessed Pauline von Mallinckrodt

Painting: William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Not Too Much To Carry, 1895
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Friday, March 15, 2013

In Every Moment

'O my God, grant that I may offer You in a spirit of sacrifice and in Your honor all the thoughts, words and actions of each day, my activity, my very being.  I beg that it may all be a sacrifice that will please You, and so make me a perpetual victim of a sacrifice that will be present in every moment of the day.'   Charles de Foucauld

Painting:  Peter Ilsted, Woman Reading by Candlelight, 1908 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Holy Smoke

I know we are all praying for Pope Francis.  
May God be praised and exalted forever!

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Monday, March 11, 2013

So Will I Tend My Sheep

 Michelangelo: Sistine Chapel, Ezekiel

'For thus says the Lord God: 
I myself will look after and tend My sheep.
As a shepherd tends his flock
when he finds himself among his scattered sheep,
so will I tend my sheep.'
Ezekiel 34:11-12

Lord God, we pray for Your shepherds gathering in the Sistine Chapel

A Leaven in the World

St Peter's Basilica, Rome
'God, our Father,
by the promise You made
in the life, death and resurrection of
Christ, Your Son,
You bring together in Your Spirit,
from all the nations,
a people to be Your own. 
Keep the Church
faithful to its mission:
may it be a leaven in the world,
renewing us in Christ,
and transforming us into Your family.'

From the Roman Missal

Friday, March 8, 2013


'Humility is to the other virtues
 what the chain is in a rosary. 
Take away the chain and the beads are scattered;
remove humility, and all virtues vanish.'  

St. John Vianney

Painting: Henry  Guillaume Schlesinger, 1868

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

But Also For Other Souls

'I am always supporting you, so lean on Me as you struggle, fearing nothing. Take the vessel of trust and draw from the fountain of life - for yourself,
but also for other souls,
especially such as are distrustful of My goodness.'

Jesus to St. Faustina,
Diary of a Soul #1488

Painting:  William Adolphe Bouguereau, Pendant l'Orage 1872

Monday, March 4, 2013

As the Looking Glass

'As the looking glass
remains the same
however many
of expression 
it reflects, 
so the soul that is
held fast in God
by the 
waving shapes
and images
that come and go.'

Dom Hubert Van Zeller, 
The Yoke of Divine Love,
Templegate,1957, p. 226

Painting: William Merritt Chase, The Mirror

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Friday, March 1, 2013

For the World Today

'O Divine Redeemer… 
May Your Church, one in Your love, 
holy in sharing Your very holiness, 
still be for the world today the vessel of salvation for men,
the center of unity for all hearts, 
inspiring holy resolutions for a general and stirring renewal. 

May her children,
no longer divided and forsaking all unworthiness,
 do her honor always and everywhere, 
so that those who do not yet belong to her
may consider her and find
You, the way, the truth and the life, 
and in You be brought back to
the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit!'

                                               Pope Paul VI, Insegnamenti


Painting: Carl Friedrich Lessing, Forest Chapel 

There is still time to adopt-a-cardinal to pray for as the conclave gets underway!  Click here for details.

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