Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Different Quality

'Music rouses the emotions,
it calls the senses to a different quality...
Music comforts the mind in the enduring of labors, 
and singing lightens weariness in solitary tasks.'
St. Isidore 

Painting: Poul Friis Nybo Girl at Piano


  1. Nancy,

    Oh yes! I missed out totally on musical talents, but my children and husband are very musical. I love listening to them fill the house with music, and sing at Mass. My heart fills with joy and my spirit soars.

    I also like the painting very much!

    Are you musical, Nancy?

    1. I am talented only in music APPRECIATION! Never played an instrument, and have a singing voice that, well.. we won't talk about :). I really like the painting too - so much, in fact, that this time I picked the painting first (usually I write or quote something first, then find a 'go-with'), because I so very much wanted to share it!

      Thanks, Sue!

  2. Well, I guess it's unanimous on loving the painting. So precious! There was a time when I could play the piano reasonably well, but it has been many years now, and have forgotten much about reading music. Thinking about the words quoted above, I can't help but shudder at what passes for "music" today! xo

    1. I was once able to read notes and play piano right-handed only. VERY SLOWWWWLY. And I can play 'Moon River' by ear, right hand only... does that maybe... count :)??

      Thanks, Patricia!

  3. When I read this, Nancy, I knew I had to go listen to my old CDs with my favorite praise and worship songs. Thank you for the inspiration. the heaviness in my soul was instantly lifted.

    1. Anabelle, what a blessing. Too often, I forget to do that when I need it most. Thank you for the beautiful 'report!'

  4. The painting is beautiful and the quote wonderful...I love calling the senses to a different quality. Music has a mystical way...Thanks for this post. And I am in a bit of heaven listening to my daughter play even with all the missed notes and repeats!

    1. Oh, I know you love listening to your daughter! I felt that way with a musical son (now grown) when he was younger. These comments are making me think about looking up music in scripture.... I wonder how often it is mentioned. I have a feeling a musical post is on the way :)! Thanks so much.

  5. Lovely! The painting, the words.....Beautiful way to start the day off, Nancy...thank you.

    Have a great day!

  6. I love long as it isn't my own ;) I'm in the same boat as you and Sue as far as musical talent goes. (Lol, Sue and I have discussed this subject before and I guess I wouldn't want to listen to the three of us singing together!) But I DO have the joy of listening to others gifted in this area and that's a blessing!

    1. Maybe we'll form a heavenly trio one Eternity, where all voices will life in glorious praise !!!
