Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Mother's Heart

'A mother's heart 
is always full of pity 
for the erring 
and the sinner 
and the fallen.'  

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Painting:  Madonna, Herman Richir; 
in US public domain due to age


  1. I love this beautiful image of the Blessed Mother, Nancy!
    And Archbishop Sheen's quote is true and lovely, too.
    I hope Mother's Day is perfectly wonderful for you! xoxox

  2. Nancy~
    Love it.....never heard this.
    I've come to love Fulton Sheen more and more as time goes by!

    Happy Mother's Day to YOU, friend! xoxoxo

  3. Imagine how empty life would be without Our Blessed Mother. Happy Mothers Day.

  4. Nancy, another beautiful quote and work of art. Happy belated Mother's Day.

  5. Thanks to all of you, Trish, Chris, Lora and Esther!! It was a lovely mother's day here, and I hope for you as well.

    I was delighted when I found this painting - it's one I had never seen before. I was so happy to be able to share it! Thank you again....
