Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A Rule for Everyday Life

'Here is a rule for everyday life: 
do not do anything which you cannot offer to God.' 

St. John Vianney

Waterhouse painting

Monday, July 28, 2014

Whenever a Storm Threatens...

                    'Do as vinedressers or gardeners whenever a storm threatens...
                    They run to a shelter and stay there in peace until the storm passes.
                    That is what I want you to do with the grace of God.
                    Always remain quiet and calm in the shelter of God's will,
                    under the almighty protection of the Most High.'

                           St. Paul of the Cross

                           Painting:  Walter Withers, The Storm, Google Art Project

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Like a Grain of Sand

    'Our faults are like a grain of sand beside the great mountain of the mercies of the good God.'

St. John Vianney

      Painting: John George Brown, in US public domain due to age

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

As Much as it is Possible!

"During the day, 
and even at night if you wake, 
say to God: 
'My God, give me the grace to love You 
as much as it is possible to love You!'"

Cure' D'ars

Painting:  Paul Peel, The Young Botanist

Sunday, July 20, 2014

A Certain Way

'There is a certain way 
of living in the presence of God 
through which, if the soul so desires, 
it can remain always in prayer 
and continually aflame with love of God.  
It is realized by carrying out one's duties 
with the thought of doing God's will, 
and taking delight in that.'  

  St. Alphonsus Rodriguiz

Painting:  Hanna Pauli, Frukostdags, in US public domain due to age (PD-US)

Friday, July 18, 2014

What Would Have Become of Me?

My God,
Jesus my love,
uncreated Goodness,
what would have 
become of me
if You had not
drawn me to 
St. Gertrude
Painting:  Carl Vilhelm Holsoe,
in US public domain due to age

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Fill in the Blanks

Lord God, You are holy and merciful and ___________________________________

I thank You for ________________________________________________________

The people I bring before You today are____________________________________

Please forgive me for ___________________________________________________

Please help with _______________________________________________________

I would like to talk with You about ________________________________________

I adore You because____________________________________________________

Throughout this day ____________________________________________________ 

May You be glorified in me, Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Painting: Anna Ancher, in US public domain due to age  (PD-US)

Monday, July 14, 2014

As Pilgrims and Foreigners

'O that we felt with groans our state 
as pilgrims and foreigners, 
and did not so love the world; 
but rather, at the door of Him Who called us, 
did with pious mind keep up a perpetual knocking!'

St. Augustine

Painting:  Anna Bilińska-Bohdanowicz, Breton woman

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Learning from Trees

'The trees and the stones will teach you what you will never learn from the masters.'

St. Bernard of Clairvaux

Painting:  Winslow Homer, 1894, in US public domain due to age

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Be Not Astonished


'Do not be either astonished or discouraged 
at the difficulties you find in prayer.  
Only be constant and submissive 
and God will be pleased with you.'

St. Claude de Colombiere

Painting:  Winslow Homer, At the Window, 1872, cropped

Friday, July 11, 2014

Better Than a Fast

'Conquering the tongue is better than fasting on bread and water.'

St. John of the Cross 
Painting:  Albert Anker, 1897, in US public domain due to age

Monday, July 7, 2014

In the Home Where....

'Happiness is to be found only in the home where God is loved 
and honored, where each one loves, and helps, and cares for the others.'

St. Theophane Venard

Painting:  Helen Allingham

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Jesus, To Me.....

'Jesus to me 
     in the mouth, 
     in the ear, 
a song 
     in the heart.'

       St. Bernard

Painting: Edmund Charles Tarbell, 
in US public domain due to age (PD-US)

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Path to Unbelief

'This is the path which leads to death: 
Men first leave off private prayer;
then they neglect 
the due observance of the Lord's day;
then they gradually let slip 
from their minds the very idea 
of obedience to a fixed law;
then they actually allow 
themselves things which 
their conscience condemns; 
then they lose the direction 
of their conscience, which, 
being ill used, 
at length refuses to direct them.
And thus, being left by 
their true inward guide, 
they are obliged to take 
another guide, their reason, 
which by itself knows little 
or nothing about religion;
then their blind reason 
forms a system of right or wrong 
for them, as well as it can,
flattering to their own desires,
and presumptuous 
where it is not actually corrupt.
No wonder 
such a scheme contradicts Scripture, 
which it is soon found to do; 
not that they are certain to perceive this themselves;
they often do not know it, 
and think themselves still believers in the Gospel,
while they maintain doctrines which the Gospel condemns.
But sometimes they perceive that their system is contrary to Scripture; 
and then, instead of giving it up, they give up Scripture, and profess themselves unbelievers.  
Such is the course of disobedience, beginning in slight omissions, and ending in open unbelief.'

John Henry Cardinal Newman

Painting by Blonskaya, in US public domain due to age (PD-US)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Only Because Of

'We can touch the souls of others
only because of our own personal contact with Jesus.  
If that communication is cut off, no virtue will go forth out of us.' 

From The Living Pyx of Jesus by A Religious, Pellegrini, 1941, p. 303

Painting:  Janez Šubic

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Purpose

'Life's purpose 
is not
to gratify us, 
to purify us.' 

from The Living Pyx of Jesus 
by A Religious, Pellegrini

Painting:  Nikolaj Alexejewitsch Kassatkin, Girl near Fence