Tuesday, January 26, 2016

We Fix Our Eyes


  1. It's awe-inspiring how a few short words can be so meaningful, Nancy. This quote is something for me to really ponder as I tend to worry the little things when I'm not at my best. Going back to my prayer books usually puts everything back into perspective but the times when I need God most are often the times when I most forget to turn to Him. Progress is slow, in this little cloister.

    I hope you are keeping warm in all that snow, Nancy. I'd send you some of our heat but it seems to have gone south - we're back to wearing longs, this week! :-)

    1. Vicky, 'the little things.'!!! Oh, yes - these are the very things that can so weigh me down. And I absolutely identify with forgetting to turn to God when I most need Him.

      Things have warmed up some here, and the snow is rapidly thawing... maybe your summer warmth did head our way! :)
